We hope everyone had a fabulous winter break. Classes resume Monday, January 6, 2025. Make it a great start by following these tips: πŸ‘–Get lunches prepared and clothes laid out tonight. πŸŽ’ Have backpacks packed and ready to go. Be sure to label your child’s first and last name inside any new winter clothing. πŸ”“Middle and high school students can log into PowerSchool to review their locker combination. It’s easy to forget after a long winter break. ⏰Set alarms for morning wake up and even back up alarms if needed. 😴Remember to get a good night’s sleep. πŸ‘ŠπŸ»Have a quick family talk about what you’re doing to make this a great year for learning. We can’t wait to see all of our staff and students tomorrow!
17 days ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
A huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to all the incredible voters in the Dragon Community! Your support of the bond proposal means we can improve safety and security, update learning environments, update instructional technology, and improve facility interiors and exteriors. And guess what? The excitement doesn't end here! In the months ahead, we'll be updating our website and using other media channels to keep you informed as we continue our efforts to enhance the educational facilities for students! So stay tuned, Dragon community! Thank you again for your support!
3 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up! Elementary Conferences πŸ“ Tuesday, November 12 (5-8 PM) πŸ“ Thursday, November 14 (1:00-3:30 & 5-7 PM) – 1/2 Day K-5 ONLY ➑️ Please contact your child’s teacher if you have not previously scheduled a conference. Middle School Conferences πŸ“ Monday, November 11 (4-7 PM) πŸ“ Wednesday, November 13 (12:30-2:00 & 3-6 PM) – 1/2 Day 6-8 ONLY ➑️ Please schedule conferences here [https://5il.co/2zino]. High School Conferences πŸ“ Tuesday, November 12 (5-8 PM) πŸ“ Thursday, November 14 (3-6 PM) ➑️ Conferences are drop-in style. πŸ”΄ Reminder: No School K-12 on Friday, November 15
3 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Early voting starts tomorrow, October 26! Michigan voters can now cast their ballot early, including on the SCCS ZERO-TAX-RATE INCREASE Bond Proposal. It’s fast and easy! More details at: https://www.swartzcreek.org/page/bond. For early voting info, visit https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us.
3 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
This is a reminder that the 2026 Trip to Europe informational meeting will be held Tuesday, September 17th in the high school cafeteria at 6:30 pm. This is open to all current 7th-11th grade students and their families. Can't make it? No worries, RSVP HERE [https://rsvp.eftours.com/5p5hvs4]. You will receive information electronically and be given a Zoom link to attend remotely. Listen to a former traveler give their perspective on a trip they recently took:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bHpSvHdZZUDBS8ga4afOtP5o320MpQjP/view?usp=sharing
4 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Join Us for Coffee with the Superintendent! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 25th, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, and come enjoy a cup of coffee with our Superintendent at the Swartz Creek Schools Administration Building! Mr. Hetherton will share important details about the upcoming bond proposal, and this is your opportunity to get all the facts and ask questions. Participation is limited to 80 attendees, so make sure to RSVP soon! You can RSVP by: πŸ’» Clicking this link: RSVP Here [https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSePWwvrwWYYuagr-sixMdOBEohJv105SNEgfJQOriJRsoiw4A/viewform?usp=sf_link] πŸ“ž Calling 810-591-2382 We look forward to seeing you there! #CommunityEvent #CoffeeWithTheSuperintendent #SCBond2024
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
πŸŽ‰ Welcome, Class of 2037! πŸŽ‰ We’re beyond excited to invite our newest Dragons to the home football game on September 6th at 7 PM! 🏈 Join us on the track to be recognized as part of our Dragon family. Thanks to our incredible athletic boosters, we’ll be giving away T-shirts to the first 150 students who arriveβ€”so make sure to come early and snag yours! Plus, to make it a true family night, we’re letting all Kindergarten students and ONE parent in for free! Let’s kick off the first game of the season with our future Dragonsβ€”can’t wait to see you there! πŸ”΄πŸ‰πŸ–€ #DragonsForLife #ClassOf2037 #SwartzCreekPride
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Photo of a red T-shirt with a dragon and messaging that says the class of 2037 is invited to be our guest on Friday, September 6 at 7 PM at the athletic stadium
August 26, 2024 Dragon Families, Welcome back! We are excited for the start of a new season with our Dragon Athletes! Below is a list of all rules and expectations of our spectators, please read them carefully. 1. We encourage students to attend as many school events as possible. Enthusiastic spectators help to build school spirit and encourage our Athletes. However, in order to ensure that everyone attending is properly safeguarded, it is required that all elementary and middle school students be accompanied by a parent or adult chaperone when they arrive at the event and throughout its duration. They cannot be dropped off and left unsupervised and there are no exceptions. 2. We will only allow HS students from the schools that are competing and they must show a current student ID to enter! 3. No Footballs (or balls of any type) are allowed in the stadium. 4. Please supervise any children in your care. Children should not be running unattended through facilities. 5. Fighting will not be tolerated and all actions will be enforced with school disciplinary consequences. 6. Spectators are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and refrain from being physically or verbally abusive toward all coaches, officials, athletes, opposing schools, and fans while attending athletic events. Attending Athletic events is a privilege that may be temporarily or permanently revoked 7. Any beverages brought into the stadium must be in a store brand, re-sealable container. No fountain drinks or containers from home are allowed. You will be asked to throw it away or return it to your car. 8. Backpacks will not be allowed in the stadium. This includes any totes, fanny packs and drawstring backpacks. All other bags/purses may be subject to searches. 9. All home spectators should enter through the main gate. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON SIDEWALKS OR LAWNS. HS staff, HS student, Fairchild St, bus garage, and MS north are all available for parking. 10. According to school board policy all therapy dogs must have paperwork on file 10 days before the event that you are requesting your animal to attend. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. Go FEARLESS Dragons! Sincerely, Adrian Trzebiatowski Athletic Director/Assistant Principal atrzebiatowski@swcrk.org 810-591-1809
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
πŸ“’ Calling All Swartz Creek High School & Middle School Students! Looking for a way to earn service hours for Honor Society? The Crim Festival of Races is right around the corner, and student volunteers are needed to help make this event a success! This is an excellent opportunity to give back to the community and be part of something special. πŸ“§ Contact: Ruth Cantor at rcantor@crim.org
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Good Afternoon Dragon Families, School starts on Wednesday. We are so excited to have you in the Dragon Family. 2024-2025 is going to be a fantastic school year. A couple of notes are below. Things to know: Wednesday is a half-day in the afternoon. Please check the district website under "District: School Hours" for each building's official start and end times or click here: SC HOURS [https://www.swartzcreek.org/page/school-hours] 24-25 School Calendar: SC CALENDAR [https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3693/SCCS/4261852/New_-_School_Calendar__2024-25_.pdf] We can't wait to see your first day of school pictures! If you'd like us to share them, please Email your pictures to mcorbat@swcrk.org, and we will post them on our SCCS Facebook page. Your feedback on our ZERO-TAX-RATE increase bond proposal on the November ballot is crucial. Please read the BOND FAQ and click the QR code on page 11 to submit your feedback. Your input is highly valued and will help shape the future of our school district. Thank you! SC BOND PAGE [https://www.swartzcreek.org/page/bond] We are absolutely thrilled to welcome all our students and staff on Wednesday afternoon! Let's make this our best year ever! Rodney R. Hetherton, Superintendent
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Reminder: The SCMS player & parent meeting for fall athletics is Tuesday, August 20th at 6:30 in the PAC with program breakouts at 7:15! CLICK HERE for more information: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQafUUS_Nk9lf8bRJOUceorgYtFfQEDLSp0LquqyYNVY9kkPGWvElKRJEUlu-Oh3MlDih4HxNQYFylh/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Image of the slide showing fall winter and spring athletics as well as the dates and times of each parent meeting. The fall meeting is Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30 in the PAC for football, girls, basketball, cheer, Poms , and cross country
Check out the latest edition of The Dragon Connectionβ€”our district newsletterβ€” filled with important updates and helpful information. This month’s issue includes: Transportation Services Free Lunch and Breakfast for All Students Kinder Camp School Bond Update Don’t miss outβ€”click the link below to read more and stay connected with our school community! Read The Dragon Connection here: https://swartzcreekview.mihomepaper.com/pageview/viewer/SCCS#page=6 #DragonConnection
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
GCI is having a meet the teacher night on August 20 from 3:30 - 6 pm (drop in style). This is for all students attending GCI this year.
5 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Image says Genesee career Institute meet the teacher night on August 20 from 3:30 to 6 PM. Drop in Style
Calling ALL actors, dancers, singers and tech students interested in joining our Swartz Creek Middle School Drama Club! Please attend this upcoming meeting on August 28th. The 2024-2025 upcoming school year we will be performing 2 shows. This fall we will perform The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Spring 2025 we will bring High School Musical Jr to the stage. We look forward to an incredible school year and seeing everyone on the 28th. Please contact Kendra Babcock with any questions at kbabcock@swcrk.org
6 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
flyer about middle school drama club meeting on August 28 from 2:30 to 4:30 PM in room 502. Any questions please reach out to Kendra Babcock (kbabcock@swcrk.org.
Thank you to all of the Syring and Dieck families that attended our Popsicles with the Principal event. Mrs. Briggs and Mrs. Bevel had a great time getting to know their students and families. We hope you enjoyed the fresh air, playtime, and yummy treats. We look forward to an exciting 2024-2025 school year.
6 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Photo of Dieck, principal Mrs. Briggs and Syring principal Mrs Bevel standing on the playground with children playing in the background
Photo of the Syring playground with dozens of children playing on the equipment
Exciting News for Swartz Creek Community Schools! We are thrilled to announce that the state of Michigan has once again approved a budget that allows Swartz Creek Community Schools to offer FREE breakfast and lunch to ALL students in grades pre-K through 12, thanks to the Michigan School Meals program! Last year, we saw a significant increase in student participation, leading to higher reimbursements for our Food Service Program. This means we can invest more in better food, equipment, staffing, and more. We need your help! Please fill out the Education Benefit Form through the Meal Magic Family Portal. Gathering this information is crucial for securing higher reimbursements through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), determining eligibility for Summer Food Service Programs, and ensuring our schools receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs. Parents can create an account or just fill out the form without creating one. Please ONLY add children who are currently registered with Swartz Creek Schools. Any other children in another District or not yet registered should be added to the β€œnumber of members in the household”. Visit our website: [swartzcreek.org](http://swartzcreek.org) and click β€œFood Service” for more information. The Meal Magic Family Portal is also a fantastic resource for families. Here, you can set up accounts for your children to deposit money, view purchases, transfer funds between children, and set restrictions. Both the Middle and High School offer a la carte items for all students, whether they bring a lunch or eat a free meal, they can purchase additional items for lunch. Menus are available on the food service page under the NutriSlice tab, detailing nutritional value, calories, macros, and allergens. If your student has special dietary needs, please contact our food service department directly. This will ensure that their meals are modified and documented accordingly for state compliance, and the school will be notified of any dietary restrictions. #FreeMeals #StudentNutrition
6 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Reminder: Join us on the Syring playground tonight between 6-7pm to meet the new principal of Syring Elementary, Mrs. Bevel, and the new principal of Dieck Elementary, Mrs. Briggs and enjoy a popsicle!
6 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
flyer about popsicles with the principals on August 7 from 6 to 7 PM at the Syring playground
SWARTZ CREEK VIRTUAL LEARNING CENTER ADULT EDUCATION Our program is the ideal option for adults who wish to complete their requirements for a high school diploma, GED, Career Skill Development. In addition to providing the opportunity for adults to achieve their GED or HSC, we strive to strengthen student's employability skills and prepare them for success in the job market. Our Adult Education Programs are geared toward all adults no matter where you are in life. We are open 5 days a week for student support: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 7:00am-3:00pm Wednesday 7:00am-8:00pm Friday 7:00am-11:00am We support you in high school completion or GED. β€’ High School Completion β€’ GED opportunity β€’ Face-to-face evening classes β€’ Ages 18 and up In partnership with Genesee Intermediate School District, we offer a Skills to Earn certification program. Students enrolled in the Adult Education program have the opportunity to take advantage of these certification programs. Admission requirements: Adults who are 18 and over and have not earned a high school diploma and are not enrolled in a high school program are eligible to enroll free of charge. We want your experience with us to be educationally encountering and personally enriching. We admire your step into the life-long learning process, and we are here to help. πŸ”— https://scvlc.swartzcreek.org/o/scvlc/page/adulteducationprograms
6 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
Swartz Creek Middle School Families: welcome back letters from the school office are in the mail! It's time to order your school picture packages. Visit [strawbridge.net](http://strawbridge.net) and use the online code FM441158 to place your order. Reminder: All forms in Power Parent need to be completed before students get their pictures taken and receive their school ID. Ensure everything is filled out to guarantee a smooth start to the school year! Please direct all questions about the Power Parent/Student Portal to Barb Parker at bparker@swcrk.org or 810-591-1709 for assistance.
6 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools
School Picture Packages Now Available! Attention Swartz Creek High School families! It's time to order your school picture packages. Visit [strawbridge.net](http://strawbridge.net) and use the online code FM442026 to place your order. Don't forget, all forms in Power Parent need to be completed before students can pick up their schedules and get their pictures taken. Make sure everything is filled out to ensure a smooth start to the school year!
6 months ago, Swartz Creek Community Schools