Swartz Creek Middle and High School Athletics

Middle School Parent Information
High School Parent Information
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Swartz Creek Fight Song:
Here comes the Fearless Dragons,
Crimson & White our flag
Red Valor glowing, our White ever showing.
Our fair hearts and sportsmanship no brag.
We always have been famous all down through history
No one can slay us
Only delay us on the road to victory.
Go Creek!

Hello Dragon Athletes & Families! We hope this letter finds you well and you are ready to enjoy some much needed rest and relaxation this summer! As usual, the summer tends to fly by and the 2024-25 school year & sports seasons will be here before you know it! Now is the time to start planning for your new sports physicals and completing your registrations. This letter contains information on how to register in SNAP, sports physical information, and Summer hours for the athletic office.
SNAP Registration:
For the 24/25 school year, we are excited to roll out SNAP, a brand new, all inclusive online platform. This will assist us in not only the registration process, but will also streamline fundraising, schedules, rosters and so much more! ALL Dragon student-athletes, in grades 6th-12th, are required to be registered in our online athletic registration program in order to participate with any school sponsored sports teams. To register your student-athlete please go to https://manage.snap.app/register/swartzcreekhs. If you need assistance, please refer to the Snap Support Center for guidance. Select your Fall, Winter and/or Spring sport(s), verify information, be sure to electronically sign each section, and upload your completed physical form. Changes to sports can be made at any time prior to the start of each season. Once you have completed the registration, click on the students name to upload your physical if you choose.
Sports Physicals:
Valid sports physicals must be completed and on file with the Athletic office prior to tryouts. You can upload your physical to SNAP, drop them off to the Athletic Office (High School), Student Office (Middle School), or email them to the Athletics Secretary at nmoon@swcrk.org. Forms must be signed by a physician and have a date on or after April 15th of 2024. There will be no exceptions, no physical, no play! Forms are available by clicking MHSAA Sports Physical 2024
Athletic office summer hours:
Our last day in the office will be June 28th - we will be checking our email periodically throughout the summer. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via email. We will return August 1st with office hours from 7:00 am -3:00 pm.
Adrian Trzebiatowski- Athletic Director, atrzebiatowski@swcrk.org
Nikki Moon βAdministrative Assistant, moon@swcrk.org
Sincerely Yours in Educational Athletics,
Adrian Trzebiatowski, RAA
Athletic Director

Thank you to our incredible sponsors!